International Military

International Military

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

  • There are over 70 million uniformed people serving their respective countries
  • The vast majority of the 170 nations with a military and all nations with police forces do not have a Bible distribution program.
  • Little known facts:
    • The Congress enacted U.S. Bible publishing during the Revolutionary War to support the Continental Army.
    • The American Soldier's Bible has been integral to the U.S. military for over 200 years

Audio Bibles for Chad Army



"The Audio Bibles you are providing are critical to our soldiers, from being able to sleep on the frontlines, to combat trauma care for wounded soldiers"

Chief Chaplain of the Ukrainian military


"Your work is in the heart of God"

Lead Chaplain in the Chadian Army

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends" 

Audio Bibles in Ukrainian Frontlines