
Our Mission:
We are focused on ending Bible Poverty for three groups:
As Johannes Gutenberg said about inventing the printing press, "Let the truth... be multiplied". We see the need for our generation's global Church to digitally receive the Bible.
What We Believe
  • The Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God
  • Jesus Christ is the head of His body of followers
  • The Bible is illuminated by the Holy Spirit
We are Christ-followers, from IT professionals to homemakers, dedicated to making the Bible safe and accessible to all people groups in the 21st Century Information World
Financial Stewardship
  • 501-3-c
  • Focused on ensuring low overhead and infrastructure so more Bibles and mobilization will happen


  • CPA oversight to ensure:
    • Consistent accounting meeting Federal and State requirements
    • Budget and control systems to ensure DBW meets its objectives
    • 990 can be available on request